@manton Right on. We’ll I’m just a little way into and really enjoying. Thank you!
@manton Right on. We’ll I’m just a little way into and really enjoying. Thank you!
@manton Looking forward to trying out the “bookshelves/shelves”. Still hoping to put the micro.blog book in it too. ;)
@manton Would love to get an update on the Indie Microblogging book from the Kickstarter. I'm sure the other backers and I understand how life got in the way. Since it has been a year since the last update perhaps you can help reset expectations.
@danielpunkass Nice. I’ll bet this will work great with other podcasts such as: McPower User, A Teepee, and Planet Monet.
@brentsimmons High five! 🤚🏻 That kind of thing scares me too. I usually have to build some integration tests and try to break it before I feel confident.